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I am far from perfect!! The love of God, my family, and my friends' make this crazy thing called life worth living.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some great things I am learning from the Beth Moore Esther study...

It's tough being a woman in a mean world....this is my favorite point I have learned so far!! Meanness is more rampant between women. Meanness is like a virus and it is curable. Even if you think your "prime" has passed for being useful in service to the Lord you need to know that so long as you are here that any time is "prime" time for the Lord. I feel encouraged by this study!!! I already knew I was loved by the Lord, this just reaffirms it through knowing what Esther did when called. Breaking the verses up and really examining the whole book takes you more in depth to that time in the bible. It makes you think if we think it is hard to be a woman hard must it have been to be a woman then, especially a Jewish woman. It amazes me the work the Lord has done in me!! Through the personal questions I have answered during each week's study I have learned that I was like a lot of women before God led me back to him. Meanness would rear it's ugly head and I let it have it's way. I have noticed that I don't react the same way to things that bother me anymore. There are rare instances when I have an urge to say or do something the way I would have even just 10 years ago. The thing is they pass just as quickly as they showed up now....I am so thankful for this change!!!! I am thankful everyday for the work the Lord is doing in Beth said tonight on our DVD, the Lord is always working and he will work on you till you conform to his plans for you. This is happening even when you have decided not to take the path he wants you to. I really thought I had "it" (my life that is) all figured out little did I know how much I didn't have figured out. So much more is yet to come in this study! I am sure the Lord has many more nuggets to pass along to me before it is over....I am looking forward to next's weeks study!!!!

Counting my blessings:
A great Beth Moore bible study
Listening to my DD sing in the choir today
Great Sunday school class
Having the Pastor back to church...well and fired up
The girls' closet organized...2 bags of trash thrown out YAY!

Music: None watching DIY
Weather: Chilly....what is up with this weather?
Dinner: Baked chicken, Kicked up mac -n- cheese, and corn


  1. I'm so glad you are enjoying the study. I pray it draws you even closer to Him that knows our every need. Love you, Lisa~

  2. Sounds like your really experienceing HIS glad for you!

  3. Wow! Amazing! I love Esther. I always have. I love the strength she exhibited. She was so different from all the other women. I hope I emulate her to some degree. :D

    This makes me think of you even now! :)

  4. Awww thanks, I want to be ready and willing for as Beth called it "such a time as this".


About Me

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I am SAHM who home schooled her eldest child due to bully issues. We home schooled for four years and it worked out so well. I love to bake and try out new dishes. I love various types of music but, mostly listen to country and praise music. We have family movie and game nights so we love board games and movies. We have a hand full of shows we really enjoy on t.v. as well.