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I am far from perfect!! The love of God, my family, and my friends' make this crazy thing called life worth living.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So much going on...Blogging fail for me

I just haven't known where to even begin and well then some days haven't much cared to.  I love to talk at any given moment (and A but, I have been in some kinda rut with this thing. Of course a good deal of time has past since my last entry, so much has happened in this house full of girls'.  We got through Halloween which is always so much fun here, my little ones still really love dressing up and going out.  My Diva is getting to the age where dressing up for a party or youth function is more her thing now.  We had a relaxing Thanksgiving which we were able to share with our friends the Jacoby's.  I love it when we have more than we need and the Lord gives us the opportunity to share His abundance with others'.  Since we don't have family here we try to share some of our holiday time with friends whom God has given us as surrogate family.  Women's Ministry ended up not being in the cards for me at our church after all.  God is moving me on so I can be available for something only He knows what.  I have gotten back into my walking (the regular walk to pick up the girls') at least three days a week.  I have also been throwing in a few extra mornings on the hiking trail with my partner in crime Sara and a few mornings of myself and the girls' getting dropped at school early (which gives us time to read our daily devotional, read a chapter from each of our chapter books, and pray before we start the school day) then I walk back home.  This part has gotten harder lately as the temps have gotten really low and the wind is something else but, so long as it is above 50 degrees I am not letting it stop me.  Of course I am not complaining about the cold....I love fall (my fave season) and adore winter temps, hoping we will eventually end up in southern Colorado one day so I can have my snow back.  As December approached I realized that somehow it had snuck up on me this year.  I am usually way ahead of the game on our annual Christmas card craft but I was scrambling this year.  I love to give home made gifts and try to do some every year...usually planning way in advance.  This time I was doing a little every weekend right up to the kids' Christmas break from school.  Note to self: DO NOT do that next year....whew it wore me out!  Christmas arrived with everything done thankfully and it seemed between my MI<3> and I it was such a sweet half home made Christmas.  I always cherish our holiday times and traditions but, I think this year will stand out in a different way because so many of our gifts came from own two hands.  My DS took on a big challenge on the 26th to help the Diva get closer to her trip to Spain.  He almost single handily has ran a fireworks stand to raise a large chunk of the rest of her funds.  She has thankfully with being out of school been able to go up and help him out till dinner time each night.  I am never surprised by him and what all he can and will do for his family but, I am always so blown away at the same time.  He is a joy, a delight, and a total blessing to us.  I am so grateful for the man/father that he is!!! He took time off from work, braved below freezing temps, had almost no help, and it takes a lot physically to run a stand as well.   I am hoping today is his last day and he will snug and warm in his own bed this evening.  I rang in the New Year in surprising absolute quiet...everyone passed out on me way earlier than I even thought they would.  At the end of this week our Busy Body turns the BIG 6 years old! I can't believe it I feel like she was a baby just yesterday and I blinked and she is a kindergartener.  Before we know what has hit us they will all be out of the house and DS and I will be trying to figure out what to do with ourselves.  I am sure I will become some sort of craft-a-holic that needs a support group lol.  So on her big day we have a whole spa day/tea party planned.  My partner in crime, her two girls', and her sweet sister are helping me surprise her.  She knows about the spa day part but, not the rest...I can't wait to see the look on her little face.  Friday should be full of pretty dresses, tea and goodies, foot spa treatments, waving or crimping their hair, and making tutu's.  Then I am crossing my fingers for a nice relaxing weekend ended up with all the girls' back in school on Monday.  It has been one heck of a holiday a season, and a mostly great and only slightly topsy turvy 2012.  Bring on 2013...have a blessed new year all!!!

Mood: Full had some good southern comfort food for lunch
Music: Sounds of my fan
Weather: Sun is trying really had to burn off this damp and humid weather
Dinner: Big pot of soup and toasted sandwiches
Exercise: None today
Random Thought: Happy New Year

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About Me

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I am SAHM who home schooled her eldest child due to bully issues. We home schooled for four years and it worked out so well. I love to bake and try out new dishes. I love various types of music but, mostly listen to country and praise music. We have family movie and game nights so we love board games and movies. We have a hand full of shows we really enjoy on t.v. as well.